practice ~ समभ्या स

class details


A balanced offering of effort and ease with slower pacing for every level of the student.  May include offerings based on Hatha, Vinyasa, Somatic, Yin, and Restorative Yoga.  Moving slowly with intention can be our greatest challenge and our greatest reward. Gentle classes are a great place to start for beginners.


Flow between postures using synchronized movement with breath.  Vinyasa classes borrow from diverse influences including Ashtanga, Hatha, and Power Yoga to build strength and stamina.  These practices are more challenging than our Gentle classes, but options are provided to make these classes accessible to all levels of practitioners. Teachers are focused on helping students build and progress in their yoga practice.

Wall Yoga

The yoga wall is a wall-mounted adjustable strap system that facilitates more ease and versatility in hundreds of yoga poses (asanas).  It creates support and accessibility for inversions, backbends, therapeutics, and standing poses; allowing you to explore alignment and avoid excess strain.  Challenge your strength, flexibility, and mobility in introductory poses or fine-tune more complex poses (asanas). Come learn more about your body and have fun! Wall classes accommodate all levels.


Meditation classes are guided meditations that foster greater mindfulness, clarity, and well-being. Meditation has been shown to have many health and wellness benefits, including stress-reduction, improved concentration, reduction in symptoms of anxiety, depression and fatigue. Our classes may include seated meditations and/or guided Yoga Nidra.


Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the body's joints, that usually are not exercised very much in a more active yoga asana practice. Suitable for almost all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the hips, pelvis, and lower spine connective tissues.  Poses are held from one to five minutes or more to give the tissues time to open gently with breath.  After you have experienced it, even just once, you will realize that you have been doing only half of the asana practice.

Trauma-Informed Gentle

Gentle Yoga for Every Body. A yoga class designed for those on a healing path. Great attention is given to creating enriched spaces so the nervous system can ease and regulate with less effort. In this trauma-informed gentle yoga class, the instructor refrains from hands-on adjustments and movement around the room as much as possible. Less focus is given to achieving a pose and yogis are encouraged to attune to their body and notice their inner world.

Yoga Lab

EXPERIMENT with your practice.  Yoga Labs are longer formatted classes intended to allow our teachers to bring some of their favorite offerings to you.  A Yoga Lab could be an in-depth intensive, yoga + happy hour, or anything in between. The schedule will be published a month in advance with descriptions allowing you to try out different offerings that speak to you. Yoga Labs are included at no charge with Memberships.

Our Shala is an open invitation to step inside, go a little deeper, challenge yourself and have some fun!

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